Eye for Value

Publications & Contributions

After implementing Cost Engineering at Philips Healthcare we have bought a software tool for supporting the cost estimation. With very good results. See following white paper:
Whitepaper SEER MFG van Galorath
In the mean time there are more good tools in this application area. A number of them we evaluated. Contact me for information about this benchmark.

I regularly give presentations about Target Costing and Value Engineering. For example see: Design to Cost in the Product Business

In the magazine Mikroniek of 2012 an article about the application of Value Engineering in the precision technology. See page 47 of Mikroniek issue 5 of 2012

Please read the article I wrote in the magazine Mechatronica & Machinebouw in 2016. It's about the re-engineering of a High Voltage generator and some more:

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And more...

One of those things about absolute fun were the Quality Improvement Championships at Philips Healthcare. Teams could present about how they created substantial results with structural improvements. The better teams went to the final. I had to go there with my team several times (It's a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it!), Cancun Mexico, to present our results to topmanagement. The first time to tell why 'Target Costing' was the way to go, the second time to show the impressive results (it's all described in my book). And our final contributions were rewarded: We Won!